This is my issue with "Cardio" Boxing/Kickboxing/Thai Boxing. Like that Tae Boe crap that was all the rage a few years ago. I have two big issues with this sort of stuff.
They claim to be usefull in self-defense situations.
Guess what? When you have an attacker who outweighs you by a substantial ammount and smacks you around when you aren't trained in how to react to that. You won't be able to do anything to protect yourself. Self defense training should be carried out in a full contact setting, so you know what it's like to be hit.
Punching/kicking at the air will not lead to injuries.
No, it will if you are not properly shown the techniques. Hyperextension is a very real injury and it is not fun thing to have happen. If you are punching at full power into the air, you will end up over extending your elbow.
I have another issue but this isn't as big as the other two.
They claim to be an amazing workout.
This is true but when you are just puching the air your muscles are not having to react to making contact with a real target. That impact makes the muscles of your arms/legs/butt/core contract to absorb the impact. And thusly giving you that toned look you are going for.
My honest suggestion is that if you are looking for a really great workout to investigate your local boxing/kickboxing scene and go and try a class. If it is a credible club, they will never try to force you to spar another student if you really do not want to. However, I do suggest that everyone that tries atleast one round of sparring in their life time. It is a killer workout, and provided your opponent is not uncontrolable jerk that doesn't try to take your head off with each technique, it is really really fun to get hit and to be able to hit back. It's the ultimate stress release.
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