Saturday, January 1, 2011

Exercise FAQs

I'm going to answer some of the most common questions I have been asked. This may end up being a series.

If I lift weights, won't I end up looking like Arnold?
Unless you have the genetics for this to happen, no. I have heard this question from alot of women and a few men. Some bodybuilders resort to "alternative medicine" in order to get the look that is desirable for their sport. The credible ones who do it without those medicines usually spend hours upon hours in the gym crafting their bodies for the sport. So again, unless you have the genetics and spend hours in the gym a day. You will not end up looking like Arnold if you lift weights.

Why aren't I losing weight, the Cardio machine has said I'm in fat burning mode:
Unless you are going at your current pace for hours on the machine you are not in fat burning mode. Those machines are kind of misleading in that aspect. In order for you to lose weight doing cardio you would be better off figuring out your heart rate targets and staying within them. Or by doing interval training once you build up a base cardio ability. I will investigate this more in my next article.

Can't I just get fit by only lifting weights? I hate doing cardio.
I mainly hear this from younger guys. While you will gain a small gains in cardio ability by doing strength training you would be better off doing a regime that blends cardio and weight/strength training together in order to cover all your bases. So guys, go do some cardio it's good for your heart and will help you be able to pump that iron for longer.

My muscles hurt after working out, how can I stop this?
After your workout which should include a proper warm up, you should stretch out the muscles you worked which will limit the soreness. And after the workout eat or drink something that contains ample protein.

Do I really have to do cardio? It's so boring, I feel like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere.
Yes, you have to do cardio. If it bores you so much then do something you like to do. Other great cardio options that don't involve machines are: Running stairs, snowshoeing, swimming, rowing, soccer, basketball, jogging, skating, walking, playing with your kids, taking the stairs at work, parking further away from work/mall and more. You don't have to do your cardio on the machines at the gym but you need atleast 30 minutes a day 5 to 7 times a week to be of benefit.

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