Wednesday, April 20, 2011

To Dana White, RE Womens MMA - An Open Letter

So as some Mixed Martial Arts fighters may know, UFC/Zuffa has bought out strikeforce back on MArch 12 2011. You can read about it here.

A couple of years ago I was watching a video interview of UFC President Dana White. The interviewer asked Mr White what he thought about a womens division in the UFC someday. White replied that he did not have any interest in Womens MMA or a Womens Division in the UFC. He has repeated this feeling in a couple of other interviews.

Now I have a question, since Strikeforce had a very active womens division and that White has no interest in Womens MMA. What is going to happen to the Women Fighters? White has said that Strikeforce will operate "as usual" which is all well and good for now. But what will happen when Strikeforce ultimately gets folded into the UFC like other Organizations before it?

Or what will happen when the Womens contracts come up for renegotations? How will the Women end up getting paid if their Boss doesn't support womens MMA? How will the division get valued? These are the questions that need to be answered.

I personally love watching womens MMA. Not just because I'm a woman. From a purely technical standpoint, the women tend to have more technique and it's more of a thinking game than alot of their male counterparts. However, you do still see a fair number of knock outs or very slick submissions.

Female fighters train and fight just as hard as their male counterparts, yet they get paid and respected far less. A comment on an article on spelled out the lack of respect pretty well:

"If they were fighting in jello and wearing wet tshirts, then they'd get my $39.99."

Asides from the poster being an immature chauvanistic moron, he does hit very close to a very real issue plaguing society today. There are some younger guys that are jerks and just see women as sex objects or something for them to conquer. And perhaps the idea of women being able to fight and take back control kind of freaks them out a little bit.


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